Medical Marijuana Statistics
Medical Marijuana Crime Facts
Areas nearby a dispensary see an average of 84% decrease in petty crimes – Reefferr
Marijuana Legalization Statistics
Marijuana possession laws came into effect in 1936 for all US States – Marijuana Nursing
Over 17 American states and the District of Columbia passed laws for legal use of medical marijuana (National Organization for the Reform).
In one Washington study it was found that thefts were reduced by between 10-20% once recreational legalization was passed – PS Mag
California Dispensary Statistics
“5.1 percent statistically significant drop in reported property offenses during the years in which counties allowed for dispensaries.” – Marijuana Moment
IN May of 2018 the “Exploring the Effects of Marijuana Dispensary Laws on Crime in California Counties” Like wise DUI arrests in cities adopting dispensary laws was associated with at least a statistically significant 7.7% increase in DUI arrests. 24 This effect increases when county-specific time trends are included in the model, with the preferred specification indicating a significant increase in DUIs of 9.1%. As DUIs in California –
Marijuana Dispensary VS Alcohol Statistics
Alcohol outlets, however, were responsible for about four times more violent crimes during the 34 months of the study than those that sold marijuana (372 vs. 93). –
Colorado Marijuana Statistics
Denver CO dispensaries experience a 17% risk of being robbed versus 27% if it were an outlet for alcohol. – NBC News
Marijuana Travel and Tours.
Recreational Cannabis Tourism is growing by 25% each year form 208-2019 – Dispensary Tourism
Michigan Medical marijuana Statistics/Facts
-After 4 months, medical marijuana sales in Michigan exceed $42 million